Previously, we’ve written about how to pursue Social Security Disability benefits after a brain injury accident. Today, we are not going to discuss how to file for Social Security disability, but rather why you should consider filing if you’ve suffered a serious traumatic brain injury in a Bellevue accident that leaves you unable to work.

Why You Should File a Social Security Disability Claim If You’re Eligible

While you consider your options it is important to remember that:

  • This is a benefit for which you’ve paid. Prior to your brain injury, you worked and contributed to the 7 stages of lewy body dementia Social Security fund. While you may never have expected to file for Social Security disability, it is a protection for which you paid during your working years.
  • You may need the money. It can be difficult, if not impossible, to pay your rent or mortgage and to put food on the table without assistance if you are unable to work.
  • There is no shame in Social Security disability. You are not asking for a handout. You have earned the right to collect Social Security disability insurance and you should not hesitate to do so if you qualify.

You Are Making an Important Decision

Accordingly, you should have all of the facts about how and why to file for Social Security disability after a Bellevue accident leaves you with a permanent traumatic brain injury. We invite you to learn more about your rights by reading our FREE report, Give Yourself the Best Chance of Winning Your Social Security Disability Case. Call us at (402) 933-5405 for more information.

Have you already been through this? Did you decide to pursue Social Security disability after a brain injury? Are you glad you did it? Would you do it again? Please leave a comment on this blog post and tell others about your experience.

Sean D. Cuddigan
Connect with me
SSA and VA Disability Attorney in Omaha, Nebraska
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