Applying for disability benefits, whether they be from the Social Security Administartion or the VA, is a process can be quite confusing, so we have broken down parts of it into helpful, easy-to-understand articles.
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Keep Your Brain Young: 5 Ways You May Not Have Thought OfYour brain is healthiest when it is regularly being utilized, stimulated, and challenged. Here's how to do that.
New Hope for Aging EyesOngoing research and development in ophthalmology is offering new treatments and new hope for aging eyes.
New Tax Law Benefits Family CaregiversNow there is some financial relief available for Nebraska caregivers. A new law, effective January 1 of this year, provides a caregiver tax credit.
Comfort Food: Apple-Raspberry CrispHere’s a new twist on an old favorite—this variation adds a bold new flavor to apple crisp. It is not only delicious, but also easy to make.
Make 2025 Your Best Year Ever: Expert Money Advice from Top Financial ExpertsIt’s a new year and as we turn the page on our calendar it is the perfect time to turn a page in establishing new goals for our lives.
Keep These Things Out of Your GarageGarages, whether attached or detached, aren’t the best places for storing some of your stuff because of lack of climate and humidity control.
Comfort Food: Cozy Chicken and DumplingsFor a filling, comforting meal on a cold, snowy day try this easy crockpot chicken and dumplings recipe.
4 Important Financial Questions to Ask Your Aging ParentsTalking about money with anyone is difficult and it is especially fraught with emotion when you talk to your parents about their money and try to offer advice.
A Brief History of Making (and Breaking) New Year’s ResolutionsMaking (and breaking) New Year’s resolutions is a tradition that stretches back some 4,000 years.
Comfort Food: Slow Cooker Pork and SauerkrautIn Pennsylvania and Ohio those of Germanic heritage tuck into slow-cooked pork and sauerkraut on New Year's Day. It is said to bring good luck and progress.