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Veterans: You May Be Eligible for One More Year of GI Bill BenefitsAre you a Veteran who re-enlisted and served at least two periods of service? If so, you may be eligible for additional GI Bill benefits.
VA Expands Online Document AvailabilityDisabled Veterans can now access key VA letters and notices online, including documents outlining the evidence neededfor their disability claims.
VA Redesigns and Expands Burn Pit RegistryThe Burn Pit Registry is a database that collects service member data to help VA better understand, research, and ultimately improve treatment for Veterans.
Veterans: You May be Eligible for Urgent Care BenefitsAs a Veteran you might not know that you may be eligible to use one of the more than 4,000 urgent care locations to treat non-life-threatening conditions.
VA Resources for Weight ManagementIf you are a Veteran who would like to shed a few pounds, there are VA resources to help you.
How To Prove Your Military Service Aggravated a Pre-Existing Medical ConditionOne of the biggest challenges when applying for VA benefits is establishing a firm link between your disabling condition and your military service.
Maximize Your Backpay—Finish Your VA Benefits Claim NowLast year, more Veterans submitted their “intent to file” (ITF) for benefits claims than ever before. ITFs are the start of disability compensation claims.
VA Increases Gastrointestinal RatingsAll Veterans are now eligible for higher disability ratings and Gulf War Veterans are eligible for presumptive condition status for certain digestive conditions.
A New Way for Veterans to Reconnect with Those They Served WithBuddy Finder, a new online tool on Togetherweserved.com, can help Veterans find and reconnect with those they served with.
Are Veterans Eligible for SNAP Benefits?Too many eligible Veterans with low incomes who are facing food insecurity and are eligible for SNAP but are not claiming their benefits.
Our Library Offers a Wealth of VA Disability Information
Top 10 VA Disability Articles

What to Expect When You Take a METS Test for Ischemic Heart Disease

How Do Veterans With Sleep Apnea Qualify for Disability Benefits?

Veterans Can Hire an Accredited Attorney to Represent Them on a Contingency Basis

How the VA Determines Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU)

A Nexus Letter Is Important in Receiving VA Disability Benefits

Important Facts About the VA’s Right to Take Away Your Gun

How the VA Assigns a Disability Rating for Service-Connected PTSD

Service-Related Arthritis and How to Get Veterans Disability

How Veterans Can Prove That Military Service Caused Their Disability

Possible VA Benefits for Depression Caused by Service-Connected Disability