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Navy Veterans Win Agent Orange VictoryNavy veterans of the Vietnam War who may have been exposed to Agent Orange are now eligible for VA disability.
Secret List Surfaces at Norfolk, Nebraska VA ClinicEmployees at VA clinic in Norfolk (NE) maintained a “secret” waiting list in violation of Department of Veterans Affairs rules.
A VA Secret Wait List Delayed Care for 87 Local VeteransA secret and unauthorized waiting list at Omaha’s VA Hospital resulted in delayed medical care for 87 Nebraska and western Iowa veterans this year.
How to File a VA Disability ClaimYou can file an application for disability compensation at any time after you are discharged. Except in a few specific situations, there are no time limits.
Backlog of VA Disability Cases Hasn’t Gone AwayMore than 70,000 veterans’ disability claims are backlogged at VA processing centers despite a pledge to reduce the backlog to zero by January of this year.
VA Study on Service Dogs and PTSD is Under FireThe VA wants to know if service dogs for vets suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is really helping them and if it is worth the expense.
VA Improperly Shredding Vets’ Benefit DocumentsIn a disturbing report the VA Office of the Inspector General says that the VA has been systematically shredding documents related to veterans’ benefit claims.
More Federal Money Proposed for VA CarePresident Obama is proposing to allocate $182.3 billion for the VA in what the agency is calling “the largest transformation in VA history".
VA Refuses Agent Orange Benefits to Navy Vets--AgainCertain Navy veterans seeking compensation for possible exposure to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War have lost another round with the VA.
Public-Private Partnership to Get the New VA Hospital Built?The future of a new veterans hospital in Omaha could hinge on raising money from the Feds and private donors.