We like to use our blog as a way to update you about news and changes in Social Security Disability, as well as to provide you with helpful information and tips.
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New Rules for Disability Appeal AppearancesThe SSA now has four standard “manners of appearance” for a disability hearing.
Warning: Social Security has Strict Rules Governing WorkingIf you are applying for Social Security disability benefits, you need to know that Social Security has strict rules governing work.
Does Ulcerative Colitis Qualify for Disability Benefits?If your UC makes it impossible for you to maintain employment, financial assistance may be available through one of the Social Security disability programs.
The 3 Biggest Mistakes in Social Security Disability ReconsiderationMost initial applications for Social Security Disability are denied. The second phase of the application process is reconsideration.
Do I Have to Testify at My Disability Hearing?Yes, you most likely will have to testify in person—most claimants are required to appear in front of the judge to answer questions about their impairments.
When a Person Passes Away What Happens to Their Disability Claim?If a disability applicant dies while waiting to be approved for benefits, it may be possible for a family member to continue the claim but it depends on which disability program.
What is the Age 55 Rule When Applying for SSDI?The SSA considers you of “advanced age” if you are between 55 and 59 years old. Here’s why that matters.
Early Onset Dementia and Social Security DisabilityThe severe limitations brought on by dementia make it unlikely that an individual with this form of mental illness could hold any job.
What If I Don’t Have Enough Work Credits for Disability Benefits?To qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits you must show that you have enough work credits to qualify, but here are you options if you don't.
Can Your Disability Case be Fast Tracked Under the Compassionate Allowance Program?Applicants with certain serious life-threatening conditions need quicker decisions. In attempt to address this situation the Social Security Administration has developed the Compassionate Allowances program.