We like to use our blog as a way to update you about news and changes in Social Security Disability, as well as to provide you with helpful information and tips.
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Question of the Month: Does Union Membership Affect My Eligibility for Social Security Disability?Your union membership will not prevent you from qualifying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits.
If I am Found Disabled, Do I Qualify for Medicare?If you are eligible to receive disability insurance benefits, you will qualify for Medicare benefits but you must wait two years from your date of entitlement
Disability FAQ: Can I have assets and apply for disability?Whether or not your assets will prevent you from qualifying for Social Security disability benefits depends on which disability program you may qualify for.
Important Details When Describing Your Work HistoryYour work history is important if you’re filing a Social Security Disability claim. Here, learn which details are critical when submitting your application.
Work Credits and Eligibility for SS BenefitsIf you're applying for SS disability, you should understand how long you need to have worked to qualify for benefits. Let's review the process.
5 Tips for Winning Your Social Security Disability CaseIf you or someone you care about is considering applying for Social Security disability benefits here are five tips to maximize your chances for success.
Out-of-Pocket Expenses When Hiring an SS AttorneyIf you’re considering hiring an SS attorney, you should know the possible out-of-pocket expenses you’ll pay. Learn more here.
Question of the Month: My wife is collecting Social Security Disability. Can she apply for spousal benefits on my work record?To collect a spousal benefit for a disabled spouse who is receiving Social Security Disability there are four requirements that must be met.
How to Win a Closed Period SS ClaimIf you’re eligible for SS closed period benefits, there's information you need to know about winning your closed period claim. Learn more here.
Question of the Month: Are Older Workers More Likely to Qualify for Social Security Disability?The older you are, the easier it can be to be approved for benefits. But it is important to note, we are saying easier—not easy.