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Making Sure Veterans Get PACT Act BenefitsThe new chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee says his number one priority is to insure that the VA is not overwhelmed by new PACT Act claims and patients.
Veterans Need to Take Action Now for PACT Act BenefitsIf you have a serious illness which you believe was caused by exposure to toxic materials during your time in service file a PACT Act claim right away.
Disabled Veterans Get Help to Buy Vehicles Adapted for ThemVeterans with service-connected disabilities who need a specially adapted vehicle are now eligible for multiple grants over their lifetimes.
AUTO Act Expands VA Program for Disabled Veterans to Buy Vehicles Adapted for ThemUnder the AUTO Act, those veterans with service-connected disabilities who need a specially adapted vehicle are eligible for multiple grants over their lifetimes.
Veterans with Qualifying VA Pensions Can Get Discounted Internet and Phone ServiceBroadband internet connections and phone service are available at reduced rates to certain veterans through the Affordable Connectivity Program.
2023 VA Disability Pay Amounts and Scheduled Payment DatesUse these charts to determine your expected monthly compensation payment and the dates when the VA will be making each monthly payment.
Getting Your VA Rating Code Sheet is Crucially ImportantWhen you receive a rating decision from the VA, you will get a packet of information. But, your packet may be missing one key form—the VA Rating Code Sheet.
VA Hiring Thousands of New Employees to Assist Veterans Seeking PACT Act BenefitsThe VA wants to bring on board more than 2,000 new employees as it implements the recently passed PACT Act legislation.
A 0% VA Disability Rating Still Has BenefitsTo be eligible for financial compensation, your service-connected injury or illness must be rated at least 10%. However, a 0% rating can benefit you.
Financial Benefits for Family Members Caring for VeteransYou may be eligible for tax-free monthly stipends and additional benefits if you qualify for the VA’s Caregiver Support program.
Our Blog Helps Explain the Complexities of Veterans' Disability Benefits
Top 10 VA Disability Blogs

Vietnam Vets: Important Facts to Know About Agent Orange
How the VA Rates Ischemic Heart Disease for Disability Benefits

Tips to Help You Be Better Prepared for Your C&P Exam

How PTSD Impacts Your Rights to Gun Ownership

Veterans Special Monthly Compensation: Understanding Aid and Attendance

Why Hiring the Right Attorney Can Make a Huge Difference in Your Case

How Veterans Know If They Have a Protected VA Disability Rating

Why VA Claims Are Often Denied for Gulf War Syndrome

Help for Veterans Who Seek Disability for PTSD After a Terrorist Act

What Veterans Need to Know About the Symptoms and Effects of a TBI