Applying for disability benefits, whether they be from the Social Security Administartion or the VA, is a process can be quite confusing, so we have broken down parts of it into helpful, easy-to-understand articles.
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Are Veterans Eligible for SNAP Benefits?Too many eligible Veterans with low incomes who are facing food insecurity and are eligible for SNAP but are not claiming their benefits.
Disability Podcasts Worth Wrapping Your Ears AroundThere is a wide selection of disability podcasts that are great for all people, not just those with disabilities. Here are five that we think are worth a listen.
Comfort Food: Oh-So-Easy Vegetable SoupIn my estimation there is no better way to shake off winter chill than with a steaming hot bowl of soup. This recipe is not only delicious, but healthy, too.
Comfort Food: A New Year’s Dutch Treat: DoughnutsDid you know that the Dutch traditionally mark the new year by eating doughnuts? Your family is sure to love celebrating a new year with these homemade doughnuts.
Best Idea for the New Year: “Pay Yourself” (And these Apps Can Help)If one of your goals for the new year is to build your savings, your phone can lend a hand with an app for saving money.
Many Disabled Veterans Can Fly for Free on Space-AVeterans who are rated by the VA as permanently and totally disabled can travel Space-A (space available) on military aircraft for free.
The PACT Act Can Benefit Veterans Already Receiving VA DisabilityOne of the provisions of the 2022 PACT Act mandates that the VA screen Veterans for possible exposure to toxins which may have occurred during their time in service.
Drowning in Credit Card Debt? Here are 6 Strategies to Rescue YouIf you are stressed about your high credit card balance, it may be time to do something about it.
Why Veterans Miss Out by Not Filing for Disability BenefitsMany Veterans have a service-connected disability, but have either not applied for disability benefits or have given up in their pursuit of benefits.
What Can I Do to Increase My VA Disability Rating?If the VA incorrectly rated your disability or if your condition has gotten worse, you may be eligible for an increase in your disability rating,