Applying for disability benefits, whether they be from the Social Security Administartion or the VA, is a process can be quite confusing, so we have broken down parts of it into helpful, easy-to-understand articles.
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Five of the Best Military Podcasts You Should be Listening to NowIf you have served or are currently serving in the Armed Forces, then these podcasts should appeal to you.
Comfort Food: Football Dip That ScoresIt’s finally back—and of course we are talking about football season. Your team at home is sure to love this hearty and yummy cheese and sausage dip.
Be Involved and Improve Your Odds of Winning Disability BenefitsYou can increase the odds of successfully winning benefits by teaming up with a skilled and experienced disability attorney. But a key word here is “team”.
Maximize Your Backpay—Finish Your VA Benefits Claim NowLast year, more Veterans submitted their “intent to file” (ITF) for benefits claims than ever before. ITFs are the start of disability compensation claims.
Comfort Food: Tomato Mozzarella SaladTake advantage of nature’s bounty of fresh and delicious veggies; try this easy and tasty tomato mozzarella salad.
Taming Your Email Inbox With the 4D MethodThe ease and speed of emails comes with a price: inboxes bloated by too many messages that compete for our attention. Here's how to control your inbox.
Avoid Inheritance Battles and Keep Peace in the FamilyFights over inheritance can cause conflicts in families that are sometimes impossible to heal. Here are five strategies to maintain peace within your family.
What is Presumptive Disability for Social Security Benefits?If your disability is categorized as a “presumptive disability”, Social Security may pay you SSI disability benefits even before your case is decided.
Delivering Bad News: Avoid These 5 MistakesDelivering bad news so that it doesn’t seem quite as bad takes finesse, practice, and an awareness of what not to do like these 5 mistakes.
Social Security Reduces Past Relevant Work to Five Years for Disability BenefitsThe previous policy required people to provide detailed information about 15 years of work history.