Applying for disability benefits, whether they be from the Social Security Administartion or the VA, is a process can be quite confusing, so we have broken down parts of it into helpful, easy-to-understand articles.
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Comfort Food: Red, White, & Blue BurgersMake your Memorial Day cookout special with these “patriotic” burgers. They are a unique way to pay tribute to the men and women who have served in uniform.
Five Ways to Drive Down the Cost of Auto InsuranceHere are five less-commonly-known ways to reduce the pain when you pay to insure your automobile.
Question of the Month: Does Social Security Recognize Common Law Marriages?Couples in common-law marriages may be eligible for Social Security benefits based on their spouses' or former spouses' earnings record if two conditions are met.
That Call Asking for Financial Support for the Police Likely is a ScamIt has become all too common for criminals to try to deceive us into giving them money by exploiting the support we want to offer our law enforcement officers.
Comfort Food: Bacon-y Shrimp ScampiAt its most basic, shrimp scampi is shrimp bathed in garlicky butter. What could make it better? What makes almost everything better? Bacon!
Protect Your Special Needs Child with a Trusthe time to plan is now, because your child could be at risk if you die unexpectedly or even become debilitated due to an illness or injury.
Question of the Month: Can I buy a house on SSDI or SSI?In qualifying potential mortgage holders, lending institutions look for income that is stable, reliable, and expected to continue for the foreseeable future
Visit Our National Parks for FreeWith a bit of careful planning you can take advantage of six days in the next 12 months when admission to all U.S. national parks is free for everyone
Comfort Food: Vietnamese Spring RollsReady to celebrate spring? What better way is there than some light, delicious easy-to-make spring rolls? (And they are healthy, too.)
7 Steps for Choosing the Right Caregiver for Your Aging ParentWhen caring for your aging parents get to be too much, the answer may be to hire a caregiver. But you want the right person for the job.